You know how memories from when you were little tend to get a little jumbled in your mind?
They're disjointed.
Snapshots of my childhood, little flashes of emotion.
In my mind, custard lives right alongside learning how to fold towels.
I have a memory of an evening at the house we lived in before my sister was born.
It was just my mom and I home. My dad was most likely at work, I'm not really sure. I remember that the television was on. I think there may have been a Christmas tree, that I'm not completely sure of. It feels cozy in my memory.
I remember standing behind the couch next to my mom as she laid towels over the back of the couch and taught me how to fold them.
Then I remember custard. A small ramekin of goodness sprinkled with nutmeg.
In reality those memories might have nothing to do with each other, I must have been very, very young at the time.
Yet forevermore, custard and towel folding will always been linked in my mind.
One thing I do know for sure?
I have loved custard since my first bite.

Seriously Jell-O, it would be awesome if you'd stop getting rid of my favorite snacks from the 80's- if you could bring back both your custard and your pudding pops I'd be an incredibly happy girl!
Anyway, I've been custard-less ever since.
Which stinks, because custard is so ridiculously good.
Eggy, but not like eggy eggy. Not like scrambled eggs or anything. Just rich and yummy.
Sweet- but not overly sweet. I'm not big on super sweet stuff.
It tastes like vanilla and everything that is good about dessert, with a little nutmeg sprinkled on top.
I could wax rhapsodic about custard all day, so I'll just stop there.
Another favorite of mine is eggnog.
Ok, just a moment, I've got to confess something: I've never had a drink of eggnog.
I'm a little weirded out by the thought of thick drinks. I'm sure I'll get over this eventually.
Or not.
Either way, I love the flavor of eggnog and I cook with it all season long. It's a fixture in my fridge this time of year. Remember the Eggnog Quick Bread from a few years back? Or those Iced Eggnog Cutouts from a couple of Christmases ago?
Eggnog is a flavor powerhouse, so when I saw this recipe for Eggnog Custard I knew that I had to give it a try and I was definitely not disappointed. The eggnog flavor shines through and works beautifully in the custard. I did add a little cornstarch but aside from that there was really nothing that needed changing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
2 eggs, beaten
2 C eggnog
1/4 C white sugar
1 Tbsp corn starch
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Fill an 8x8 inch baking dish with 1 inch of water.
2. Beat the egg, eggnog, sugar, and cornstarch together in a bowl. Pour into two small baking dishes. Sprinkle tops with nutmeg. Place the baking dishes into the dish with the water. Add more water if necessary to reach halfway up the sides of the baking dishes.
3. Bake in preheated oven until tops are set, 35 to 45 minutes. If tops begin to overbrown cover baking dish with foil. Transfer to refrigerator and chill for 4 hours before serving.
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