
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mommy Time and Yummy Pie

Well, I've done it again- sucked at actually blogging on my blog.  Sorry about that.  It's been a busy summer, what can I say?  I was too busy doing stuff to write about doing stuff!

What a summer it has been, though!  Trips to the park, crafts, making friends with our neighbor, swimsuit fun, 

and my BIG event this summer- my free (yes, FREE!) trip to Seattle!

I've mentioned before my love for Allrecipes.com.  Because they rock.  Really.

I'm an Allstar (AKA Brand Ambassador) for their website, and have been since the beginning of the year.

What is an Allstar, you ask?

Someone who cooks.  A lot.
Someone who loves to share experiences and passions with an amazing community of home cooks.
Someone who gets to contribute both recipe ideas and website ideas.

Oh yeah- and someone who got a FREE TRIP TO SEATTLE last month!


They were even kind enough to pay extra to fly me out of the tiny airport right down the road from me.

Because like I said-
they rock

They put us up in an awesome hotel, showed us their offices, wined and dined us, asked for our opinions, and then thanked us for coming to meet them!


Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome.

But, after some MUCH needed mommy time, I'm back to reality.  School has started, the summer heat has somewhat subsided, and hopefully I'll find more time to keep you up to date with my goingson.  In the meantime, I'm going to leave you with a recipe for a yummy pie I made the other day that just screams summer (though it's so good, I might have to have it in Fall and Winter too!).
Lemonade Pie I

1 3/4 cups cold milk

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