Feeding my son can be frustrating.
The nuances of what he's ok with eating vs what he will physically cover his face to get away from can be tricky to navigate.
For example, sometimes he will eat orange goldfish crackers. Sometimes. However he won't eat the goldfish crackers that come in different colors- he won't even eat the orange crackers if he sees you picking them out of the multi-colored variety.
He loves french toast sticks because they're dry and crisp on the outside, but won't touch a soft pancake. Period.
He will eat yogurt with fruit blended in, but not the kind with even the tiniest of fruit pieces in it.
He will eat a peanut butter sandwich, but only if there is literally only enough peanut butter to hold the pieces of bread together- otherwise it is cast aside completely.
You know how some kids are just picky and will eat eventually if they get hungry enough?
Yeah...this isn't like that. He really won't eat regardless of how hungry he is.