
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Super Simple Homemade Tartar Sauce

Growing up, for years and years and years, I had a best friend who lived across the street from me.

When her family first moved to town her grandparents came too- and I loved them.
Her grandparents were awesome.
They introduced me to fried eggs, Bing Crosby, and- being from Ireland- all things Irish.

I spent a lot of time with my friend and her grandparents, and one of the things that sticks out in my memory is that they ate fish on Fridays.

More than 2 decades later I can't see a fish filet without thinking of them.
Weird.  I know.
Anyway, I say all of that to say this- I made fish the other day.  It reminded me of them.

The end.

Ok, not really, I know I'm really tangenting today, apologies!

So back to the fish I made...

My husband has been talking about having fried fish for awhile now and I happened to have some cod in the freezer so I indulged his craving a few nights ago.

I was fairly proud of myself, too- I managed to bread it with low carb ingredients, so I could enjoy it too.  I just whisked 2 eggs in one bowl, combined grated parmesan cheese, crushed pork rinds, and a little garlic powder and black pepper in another.  I coated the fish pieces in egg, dredged them in the cheese mixture, and repeated before frying.  If that sounds familiar, it's because I used the same method on the Low Carb Boneless Buffalo Wings I wrote about recently!  :-) Of course if you're not watching your carbs you can certainly opt for another method of coating your fish!

The fish turned out SO well.
Like soooooo well.
Super tasty.

You can't (or least I can't...) have fried fish without tartar sauce, and to be honest I don't eat a lot of fried fish (I don't eat much fried food in general, despite all of my recent posts about game day foods!) it had been awhile since I'd whipped up any tartar sauce.

I found a super simple recipe that my family absolutely loved and used ingredients I already had on hand.  Mayo, pickle relish, onion, lemon juice, that's about it.  How much easier can you get?

It might not be gourmet, but it was simple, delicious, and a recipe I'll certainly be repeating!

1 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

1. In a small bowl, mix together mayonnaise, sweet pickle relish, and minced onion. Stir in lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.


  1. What a simple recipe that's full of home-cooked flavors. I loved the story, too! I'd heard of using pork rinds for breading, and now I'm inspired to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know it sounds weird, but they work very well! No weirder than using cereal or chips for breading, really. I keep a ziplock in the pantry of crushed pork rinds to use in place of bread crumbs :-)


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