
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Life Has Changed

 I'm in mourning.

Aren't we all?

It's not an anger at our situation, or a lack of understanding.

Just a pervading sense of loss.

Loss of contact.  Loss of connection.  Loss of life as we know it.

It makes me so sad.


Sad at what we've lost, and sad that I can't image when- or if- life will get back to normal as we knew it.

Isn't it strange how quickly everything changed?

Just shockingly quickly.

Today I drove through my college campus, looking toward a semester in which only one of my classes will be 100% in person.  This is my senior year.  I am THIRTY-EIGHT years old.

I worked hard to be here.  I did it with kids needing love, a house needing cleaning, a husband needing attention.

I took freaking CALCULUS, folks.